
– Toys to take care of –

Debresk, is the initials of the names of the founders, Joris Dekkers, Konrad Breidenstein and Anders Skånberg, who started the production of wooden toys in a ancient corn storehouse at Skäve biodynamic farm by Järna in 1987.

image: Joris Dekkers - Konrad Breidenstein - Anders Skånberg

In the early 1980:ties Joris and Konrad was pupils of Anders Skånberg in the Waldorfschool, Örjanskolan, in Järna, some years after school they met again an started to make wooden toys together.
In 1996 Debresk was taken over by Auris AB
Since 2016 Debresk is a part of Telleby verkstäder
(Stiftelsen Järna Skyddade Verkstäder)

Quality and living materials

Toys have to be something you want to take care of, something to protect so that it will not be damaged. In relationship to the things the child plays with it develops its relationship to the world. Let the children play with living materials, materials with life have to be taken care of. In this way we can help our children to grow up in a world worth taking care of!

Pedagogical toys

A toy is pedagogic so far as it stimulates the fantasy and the creativity. It must cultivate in the child, an appreciation of beauty and convey an impression or knowledge about the world. Our intention is to contribute to a balance and harmony between the different senses and the intellect by the growing child, when it plays with the smoothly shaped, natural colour wooden toys.

Wear and tear and throw away

It has also been our intension to contribute to a world where less “wear and tear and throw away" culture reigns, with its environmental and human destruction.

We hope and predict that mass produced cheap plastic toys in the long run will disappear out of the trade.

In the future the watch word out of necessity have to be; Quality!


– Toys to take care of –

Est. 1987

By: Joris Dekkers, Konrad Breidenstein & Anders Skånberg At the Biodynamic Farm; Skäve by Järna, Sweden Since 2016 Debresk is a part of Telleby Verkstäder.